Crisis Resolution Team Banner

About Crisis Resolution Teams

Crisis Resolution Teams support families with youth and young adults who are experiencing behavioral health challenges. The program provides intensive, short-term (up to 42 days), in-home services and linkage to ongoing supports.

Examples of CRT services include:
  • Needs Assessment
  • Service Planning
  • Care Coordination
  • Crisis Management
  • Peer Support
  • Family Skill Building
  • Individual/Family Therapy
  • Psychiatry and Medication Management Referral 

The CRT’s primary goal is to avoid hospital admissions whenever possible by effectively wrapping services around the family.

Eligibility Criteria

CRT serves children, youth, and young adults who:

  • Are under the age of 21 years old
  • Have presented in the crisis system and/or emergency departments with high-acuity behavioral health needs
  • Have received a crisis evaluation and are determined to be safe to remain in the home or community for intensive, short-term stabilization interventions
Crisis Resolution Team Diagram

What are the Hours of Service?

  • Services are offered at a minimum of 3 days per week and can include multiple services daily, depending on clinical need.
  • The duration of services is between 4 and 6 weeks, based on clinical needs

How do I Make a Referral?

Referrals will be accepted from hospital emergency departments and the Colorado Crisis Services continuum. The referring agency will complete a referral form, gather any supporting documentation beneficial to the team, and ensure that releases of information are signed.

Email Referrals with Required Information to

Required Information for Referrals:

  • Client’s full name, date of birth, and age
  • Guardian’s name and contact information (if applicable)
  • Reason for referral (specific behavioral health challenges or crisis details)
  • Current safety assessment (e.g., risk of harm to self or others, stability in the community)
  • Date and location of the crisis evaluation
  • Primary behavioral health diagnosis or presenting concerns
  • Services currently being utilized (if any)
  • Documentation of releases of information (if applicable)

Please Include any supporting documentation like prior assessments or evaluations if available.

Please call 911 if you have an emergency.

Crisis Survival Card
Colorado Crisis Services logo & phone number
988 Suicide Crisis Lifeline

Crisis Emergency Services

1310 Chinook Lane, Pueblo, CO 81001

Phone: 719.545.2746

Fax: 719.543.4447

Open 24 hours, 7 days a week