About Career Horizon Services

Employer, Employee & Job Seeker services

We care about your success and becoming successfully employed. We connect clients with other resources needed to become successfully employed, such as access to work clothes or uniforms, steel toe boots, etc.

We provide access to an in-house computer lab and assist with employer/employee communication or conflict resolution. We are a safe place to share job related challenges and work on resolving them in the workplace. 

We help to empower you to network with different online job boards and employers in the community and provide insight to several different job duties.

woman with glasses at computer

Services at Career Horizons are by referral only. To find out more, please contact your primary practitioner at Health Solutions or call our Connect 2 Care phone line at 719.545.2746.

How Career Horizon Services can help

Maintaining employment is important to your well-being. Consistent employment can decrease financial stress and provide individuals with increased feelings of self-worth, dignity and an improved quality of life.

Career Horizons may be able to help you find gainful employment. We have experience in helping individuals find satisfaction in securing employment, no matter the barrier. 

We can help with:

  • Career planning/job assessment
  • Typing/basic computer skills
  • Assistance with resumes and cover letters
  • Assistance with interviewing skills
  • Assistance with online job searches
  • Job Coaching and Client Advocacy
  • Assist with resources to complete GED/enroll in college
  • Assist with finding volunteer opportunities and give back to the community

Career Horizons

41 Montebello Rd. LL2, Pueblo, CO 81001