Therapeutic Childcare Program

Health Solutions Learning Tree Child Development Center is excited to announce the launch of its Therapeutic Childcare program.

therapeutic childcare

This program is devised to address how each child brings into the world their natural personalities and challenges, and at times these unique characteristics don’t fit well with the personalities or knowledge of those around them. 

Therapeutic Childcare is “care provided to young children who struggle with social/emotional/behavioral challenges or who are in high-stress situations that put them at risk for experiencing these challenges.

This care focuses on providing a healing or compensating experience for young children who, for internal or environmental reasons, struggle in their interactions with the people in their world” (“I’m Home” – a Manual for Providing Therapeutic Childcare, 2018).

This program will consist of children engaging in standard day-to-day programming in their early childhood classroom. Throughout their day at different periods of time, a Therapeutic Specialist will join them and assist in skill building with focuses on:

  • emotional regulation
  • conflict resolution
  • communication enhancement
  • collaborative play with other children
  • other essential developmental skills

Their time with the Therapeutic Specialist will be one-on-one, and in the organic environment of the classroom to be able to enhance each child’s progress toward developing the skills needed for successful interactions with others in their world.

The Health Solutions Learning Tree believes that providing support at the earliest opportunity can make a huge difference in the strength and health of the relationships that evolve in families. We believe that healthy, loving, and resilient relationships help sustain families through the normal and not-so-normal stresses of day-to-day life.